Judy Crowe

Master Signature Member AOT

I loved to draw as a child-mostly ladies in long beautiful dresses.  I guess at one point in time, I thought I might pursue clothes design as a career. My mother passed away when I was 17 though and the social worker at MD Anderson helped me so much that I began to seriously consider social work as my college major.  It wasn’t until years later after having children of my own that I discovered painting.

 I began painting after a friend gave me a couple of oil painting lessons in her garage.  I was hooked and began to take classes from various artists but it wasn’t until I moved to Houston that I began taking painting seriously.  I did not grow up in a household that visited museums or art galleries so this field of work was entirely new to me.  Those few visits to my friend’s garage opened up a whole world I had never dreamed of.

I love the works of the Old Masters but the Impressionist painters are the painters I most admire for their vibrant use of color and their individual brushwork.  As it did for the impressionists, everyday subjects inspire me.  I love flowers and landscapes and appreciate the beauty of nature.  It’s quite a challenge to capture the feel of a time or place on canvas rather than a photo representation. 

I’ve been featured in several national artists publications and have won many awards but while those honors are nice, the best reward ~ for me as an artist ~ is when a collector purchases a piece of work.  My hope and goal is to add lasting value to the world we live in and perhaps capture a part of God’s wonderful creation to canvas.



Judy Crowe Flow Blue. Pansies .jpg

Artist's Statement

"My hope is to create a lasting representation of a moment in time that adds beauty and joy to the lives of others as much as possible.  There is no greater compliment for me as an artist than to hear ~your work makes me happy."